5 reasons your child will benefit from a Night Light

Sleep is just as important to your body as food. When it came to having my first child, Ayla, nothing prepared me for the lack of sleep due to night time feeds. When the night time feeds stopped, I thought I had finally got my sleep back, that was until when Ayla became a toddler, along came the ongoing night terrors which not only affected her sleep but also her behaviour in the day because she was overtired. I remember cringing when thinking back on our sleepless nights with her as a baby, and so I knew I needed to do something to comfort her during the night.


It was on one of those many restless nights that I was lying in Ayla's bed, rubbing her head back to sleep, when I thought "wow it really is pitch black in here". Suddenly it was as if a lightbulb switched on and the idea of a night light came to me.

Many night lights on the market are either way too bright that you think its daylight or became too hot which is a seriously dangerous hazard. Here I point out why it's a good idea to introduce a night light and what to look out for.


It's a GODSEND for toddlers who begin to have nightmares.

Between the ages of 2-4 years, children begin to develop a fear of the dark. Having a night light in their room has been proven to help them feel safer, ultimately making it easier for them to have a full night's sleep.


It is super helpful for night toilet training.

Walking in the dark is like playing russian roulette with lego. That sh*t HURTS. So having a source of light can definitely help you when it comes to checking on your little one or once your child is toilet trained, a night light will help them find their way to the toilet.


LED night lights are safe to leave on all night.

Our LED lights don't create heat in the same way incandescent bulbs do. So if your little one is curious to want to touch the light, have no fear. That being said, our night lights are not a toy and should be out of reach from little hands.


Make sure the night light comes with warm colour tones.

Imagine being fast asleep, and someone turns on the light in the room - you immediately feel irritated and start to wake. So why should your child have to go through that with a floodlight beaming in their safe space. We have 2 light base options - Warm White and Multi Colour.

Our Warm White gives off a soft glow in the room, making it ideal for nighttime changes and feeds without awakening the baby any further.

Our Multi Colour offers 7 changeable glowing colours along with a dimmer function. Colours can be set on one colour or has a rotating colour mode. Our Multi Colour can encourage a good bedtime routine and can create the feeling of looking forward to bedtime.


Name lights and the Alphabet

With your child's name engraved and glowing through the acrylic, you'd be surprised how quickly your little smartie can start to recognise his/her name. When your child begins to learn the ABCs, it becomes a fun game when recognising a letter that they've seen somewhere else - on their night light!